Thursday, March 7, 2013

The new game and the new engine

--- The Start ---
After some time studing Unity3D engine, a new idea for a game came up!!!
Although the game is somewhat complex, the Unity engine is very simple and intuitive to use. This allowd me to create the terrains with ease and place the 3D's without any effort.

--- The Game ---
The game is a racing game. spaceships racing against spaceships. The player selects a craft from one of five different species (from different planets) and races for that specie. There will be beneficts  on choosing certain crafts for certain tracks. Some ships will race better on tracks with a lot of curves, some with less,...

Although every craft is able to win every race, on any track.

--- Items ---
The player will have to catch certain items in order to receive boosts and rewords, and avoid other itens that will slow him down, like for instance air mines.

That's it for now. Keep coming to our blog so that you are informed with the latest updates,...